Alongside our excellent Solar Panel Installation service, TECC also offers Solar Panel Repair and Maintenance jobs for both our domestic and commercial customers.

Investing in Solar Panels is a costly and time-consuming process, as such, it is important that you pay close attention to the condition of your panels, upkeep all associated maintenance and book a Solar Panel repair job as soon you spot any issues.

The TECC team are experts in the field and are on-hand to provide you with the peace of mind and professionalism needed to keep your property running smoothly, your energy efficiency high and your Solar Panel maintenance bills low. 

Call us on 0330 1131462 or fill in the form here now →

Our Solar Panel Maintenance offerings

For a Domestic property our team will review multiple features during our visit, including:

  • Visual check for modules from ground level (checking for slipped modules, damage and soiling)
  • Visual check of inverter where safe access (checking for indication of fault or damage)
  • Visual check for signs of structural distress (particularly after heavy winter snow)
  • Assess surrounding area for any shading from vegetation

For a Commercial property our team will review a multitude of features during our visit to ensure Solar Panel legislations are met and adhered to across the board – this includes:

  • Checking AC & DC Isolaters, looking at functionality
  • Integrity of Fuses and Surge Protectors where present
  • Assessing the condition of the Inverter mounts
  • Checking cables to see if they are adequately supported and free of damage

For a full list of our solar panel maintenance offerings please get in touch – our team can discuss the best option for your situation and property.

Our Solar Panel Repair offering

No two solar panel systems are alike, and neither are the issues they face.

From faulty inverters to damaged panels, each Solar Panel repair job presents unique challenges. That’s why our team of expert technicians is equipped to handle any problem that comes their way. With a deep understanding of solar technology, we’ve honed our skills to diagnose and resolve a wide range of solar system malfunctions. 

If you are in need of a Solar Panel repair job, please get in touch via the form on the right or give us a call on 0330 1131462 – our team can discuss the best options moving forward once we have a clear understanding of the repair work needed.